
Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Work It Baby!

Ever feel like you are chasing your tail?  
Too many irons in the fire?

I am working on a couple of quilts for a friend's book and that's all I can say about that. 
 I am hosting a 10 inch square Tula Pink swap.
 I am participating in rounds 1-4 of a AMH 5" square swap. 
I am working on another project that I can't talk about just yet.

 I am also prepping for an upcoming QAL.  

What you say? QAL? Yes, read about it at the end of the post.

Here you can see Mosen laying on the piano with my messy sewing table!

 And behind me was Miss Aiden aka Fatty McFatty

 Then Jack jumped up to join in the cutting fun.  I was *trying* to cut my 10" squares.  See the blue and green squirrel fabric behind Jack?  That is the fabric I was trying to cut.  He has gotten so thin since his diagnosis of kidney failure = (  This photo is funny as Mosen and Jack are NEVER near one another.  They actively dislike each other.

 I used the backlight feature on my new camera to take these photos of Jack.  I LOVE how the tips of his fur are almost infused by the sunlight.  Like there is a ball of sunshine on the very tip of each piece of his fur.  Notice he is laying on FOUR projects!!  haha I need to clean up my sewing space!

Anyone want to play in a Christmas quilt QAL?? 
 I am hoping to make some blocks so I can begin it in the next few weeks. 
 There will be more about this soon!  
If you want to play along I will tell you you will need Christmas fabric, one Jelly Roll and one Charm Pack and some yardage 
I am using Blitzen and so can you!
Go here and order some for yourself.
Crazy Quilt Girl has great prices and even better customer service!!
(this is still TBD and why I need to make a few blocks so I can tell you how much!)  
This at least gives you something to think about = )




  1. yup, up to my eyeballs in too much to do...know the feeling well. great photos'...

  2. Love seeing the kitties! NO way I can commit to a QAL right now, I am already about 10 commitments past where I should be, LOL.As a rsult I do not feel like I am chasing my tail. I am chasing it. LOL

  3. Ok I see the QAL;)

  4. sweet baby Jack.glad he's getting some wonderful sunshine to sit in.


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