
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christmas Fence QAL Blocks

I was home from work yesterday.
I met a good friend for lunch and then came home to work on my CF blocks.

 I managed to get 20 of the 42 blocks made so far.  

You already saw the first 2 but here are the other 18.

I am totally loving the way these are coming out so far.  
Please excuse the poor photos, I took them this morning in the dark!

We went to the apple orchard on Sunday and picked up a box of apples to make apple sauce with.



Have you had time to get any blocks made?



  1. time to make blocks?!? ha!!! i DID find time to get out a jelly roll for me and a charm pack for Melissa and find two different shops who still had (in stock) a charm pack for me and a jelly roll for Melissa in the same fabric lines ... and then i needed a nap.

  2. your blocks are looking great! yum....homemade applesauce! I haven't had that in years! :)

  3. Haha on the AppleJack!! Cute blocks -- very cute blocks!!! :)

  4. Could you direct me to the measurements or page I missed. I haven't started. I went back on your blog and could not find them. I really like the pattern. I'll be getting some apples the first of November from Apple Hill in Placerville. Thanks for your help.

  5. Beautiful and Applejack is lovely!

  6. The QAL is looking good...I might make it with 12 Days of Christmas from my stash....but it won't be for this year. I'll have to look at it again and see if it will work. How were the apples??


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