
Monday, October 15, 2012

Christmas Fence QAL

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  
Mine was busy, as usual.  
I think I live in busytown!  
I did manage to get a few blocks finished for the QAL. 
 I want you all to be able to begin sewing too.  
The pattern we are following is from Cindy at Hyacinth Quilt Designs. 
 She called it Garden Fence.  
The original pattern can be found here.  
Thank you Cindy for allowing us to use your pattern!

I am calling ours Christmas Fence since we are using Christmas fabric for our quilt. 
 You will get 42 blocks when you are finished if you are using a Charm Pack and a Jelly Roll 
to make yours like I am making mine.  
Since I am using one of the fabrics contained in the Charm pack and Jelly roll for my sashing, 
I will have to do some creative piecing for a couple of my blocks 
using left overs from each of the jelly roll sections.
If you are using a JR you will have to do the same.
There are only 40 strips in a JR, so we will have a couple of multi color blocks.
I'm kind of excited about those blocks!
That's what we quilters do though, right? 
 Use what we have.  
I will show you what I mean when I get there. 

Here is how I cut my block:

Using your charm pack you will cut all the charms to 4.5" x 4.5 "

From one Jelly Roll Strip you will cut 4 pieces 2.5" x 3" and 4 pieces 2.5" x 5"

I cut all my sashing at one time but for each block you will cut 

4 pieces 1.5" x 2.5"
2 pieces 1.5" x 4.5"
2 pieces 1.5" x 6.5 "

If you want to cut all your sashing strips for the blocks at the same time be aware that 
I cut 32 1.5" x WOF strips and was able to get all 42 blocks worth of sashing from that.
  I cut several different ways to maximize the number I got out of the strips so I could cut as few strips with as little waste as possible. 
You may need to cut a few more strips than I did, just play around with this.  

For the sashing between blocks you will need to cut 35 1.5" x 10.5 inch strips.  
Those will go in between the blocks to form a row.  
There will also be 1.5" strips between the rows and then around the center of the quilt. 
 I am not going to talk much about that here and now as none of us are actually at that point yet. 
 I like to have the rows made so I can measure and then cut.  

That's it! 
 Super easy right? 

 If you want to play along just leave me a comment telling me you are going to join in. 
 I have a Flickr group for anyone making anything from my patterns, tutorials or QAL 
so please put your photos there to share with and inspire others!

Here are the first 2 blocks I have finished so far:

Please take the button on the side bar and put it on your blog if you are participating. 
 Even if you don't have time to do it right now, 
I would appreciate you using the button so you can spread the word!

I can't wait to see all the quilts spring up out there.  
Please remember to share  your creation in the

Oh, and one more thing, hop over to Cindy's and thank her for such a beautiful pattern and for her allowing us to use it in our QAL! 

 Thanks Cindy!!



  1. Oh, this looks like fun. I need to check what I have for fabric. :-) If I have something that works I may join you. :-)

  2. I think I may join you, but do I have to use Christmas fabric? I have been needing to make a quilt for my future brother-in-law and it would be a Christmas gift with lighthouse-themed fabric (he's in the Navy).

  3. I am going to join you but I have to get a matching jelly roll and charm pack. I put a link to your site on my blog. Hope that is OK.

  4. I will try to join you but need to look at my fabric choices a bit more...

  5. This sure looks like fun! I need to see if I can get the Fabrik here in Germany.. if I can rustle up a charm pack and matching jelly roll I will come along for the ride.

  6. I began cutting out blocks today. I ran out of my particular white, for the cross part, so I'm using another that's similar, not as bright. I'm using the 12 days of Christmas. It's fun and I look forward to sewing tomorrow. Thanks for this fun project!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~