
Friday, August 09, 2013

Book Lover's Day

Moda has asked us to talk about the book or books that taught us to quilt
 or got us interested in quilting. 

 I had been interested in learning to quilt for some time but the first class I took used the book 
by Alex Anderson 
called Start Quilting with Alex Anderson.

(photo from Amazon)

I think my very first quilt was a rail fence, but am not completely sure.  
A Thimbleberries Sampler quilt quickly followed. 
 That was the first quilt I kept and I still have it! 
 It is NOT one of my favorites but I learned a LOT while making it. 

 Isn't it funny how your tastes change?  
I knew nothing about quilting back then. 
 Alex's show was a HUGE influence in my desire to learn how to quilt too. 
 The artists she had on were always so interesting and I learned so much!

My current favorite books are much more modern. 
 Here are a few of my current favorites.  
I love this book by Jacquie and Katie.  Lots of great techniques.  
I have gotten to do some pattern testing for Jacquie as well as take a class from her.  
If you have the opportunity to take her classes you totally should!

Another book I love, love, love is this one by Tonya Ricucci.  
I love improv lettering and her playfulness in her quilts, ala Gwen Marston.  
( I love her books too) 
 I have been doing some work with Tonya lately and she is so much fun to work with!!

I, as do most of us, have lots of scraps left over from projects, so this is a great book for scrap projects!  The book is well laid out and has great directions.  
I got to test one of the quilts in this book too and 
Amanda Jean even put something in the book about my quilt!  

I love quilt books and magazines and find them very inspirational but right now 
these three are my current favorites.  
What are yours?

Be sure and check out all of the blogs posting about their favorite books too. 
You just may pick up some new favorites!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I have all three of your favorite books in my collection. One of my favorite quilt resource books is Jinny Beyer's The Quilters Album of Patchwork Patterns. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for sharing your book stories! My first quilt love books were those by Nancy Crow, though I never sewed anything like it. My current faves is Quilt Improv, by Lucie Summers, who is a wonderful teacher if you can take a course with her.

  3. I really need that Word Play quilt book! Looks really awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Quilting Modern's a great book. I also had fun with Block Party: The Modern Quilting Bee.

  5. Love your recommendations. They all look like great books! I do love my Jo Morton books for their traditional designs and the small size of the quilts. Quite a few of them look good in modern fabrics, too!

  6. Oh goodness, I have just today put the very same (similar) photo on my blog as you have for the title of yours - - good to know it is not just MY ginger cat that loves to get involved!
    Thanks for sharing your books, I too have the Sunday Morning Quilts, haven't made anything yet, it just gets sighed over at the moment while I build up my scrap collection!

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I like to paper piece so enjoy any books written by Carol Doak! Joan

  8. Love to hear about all these new quilt book titles, (new to me). My list of quilt books to check out is growing.

  9. I have so many quilt books that they are taking over the house. It's been fun to see the inspiration of all the talented folks. Thanks for participating and sharing your inspirations.
    I love your Swoon Wedding quilt. The more iterations of this pattern that I see, the more I know I have to make one. It is fabulous. I love the way you combined the bride and groom (and threw yourself in the label). Your wrapping was very clever.
    Then I looked at going to the old tractor show. Now, I could do that. I learned to drive on a tractor. I could see my wheels and know exactly where they were. I have a very good sense of where my wheels are to this day. I grew up on a small dairy farm. And, the large undergarments, was just too, too funny.
    Again, thanks for sharing.

  10. All of these quilts are looking mind blowing thanks for the sharing.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~