
Monday, August 05, 2013

The Swoon Wedding Quilt

My nephew got married this past weekend to a beautiful young woman.  
It was the perfect day, the perfect couple, a perfect venue. 
 The reception was overlooking Lake Michigan high on a bluff. 

When I first told Matt's mom I wanted to make them a quilt for a wedding present she was thrilled. 
 I was hoping the couple would be happy also.  
Turns out they were. 
 The colors they wanted me to use were navy, yellow and white
 (NOT maize and blue, LOL).  
Still, this Spartan would prefer not to use those colors!  haha. 
 It was perfect.

I love how this quilt came out! 
 I enjoyed working with the fabrics I chose in spite of the colors.

I quickly decided that I wanted to include something with "Michigan" on it
 but did not want to turn the quilt into a sports quilt. 
 I figured out a great plan to make one U of M block and one Arizona State block.

This block represented Matt, the groom.

This one Juli, the bride.

And this one was a combination of the two of them after they are married! 
 Which I turned into the label.

Notice the tiny Spartan "S" on my signature pinwheel stamp
(also done in green and white)

This is what the back looked like with all three blocks on it.

Here are some close ups of the blocks and the quilting.

I had my amazing quilter, LTW, quilt feathers in the center part of the quilt and 
then this amazing swag on the border.  
The swag fill was done in a heart and feathers.

I love this corner detail

Heart swags

From the back

I made matching pillow cases and use them for part of the wrapping.

And hid the label underneath it.  
This took some creative folding! 
 I also did NOT want either of the college stars to show on the ends.

All I had to do was tie it all up with a bow.

Matt and Juli, who even faced into the beautiful sunset for this photo for me!

Opening the quilt the day after the wedding.

 The back of the quilt

It truly was a magical day. 
 Family, friends, food and fun. 
 These are the times we remember why life is so much fun!

It feels so great to finally be able to share all of this with all of you too.

I hope your weekend was fantastic too!!!



  1. What a perfect quilt!! I love all the detail you put into it as well as the quilting detail - just perfect for a wedding!! Lucky couple to have such a thoughtful aunt.

  2. What a beautiful, beautiful quilt. A keepsake for all time!!

  3. That turned out so fantastic! Classy and personal.

  4. It's an absolutely gorgeous quilt!! They will enjoy it for many, many years to come :*) And I just love the "special" blocks for each of them - very creative and cool!

  5. Lovely quilt... and some great ideas about making the backing very special! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Cute couple, love the quilt

  7. Absolutely positively gorgeous!!! Woot woot!!! You sew girl!

  8. Freda and Beardie Mom, thank you so much. You are both "no-reply" so I wanted to let you both know how much I appreciated your comments!

  9. Perfect quilt. Thanks for sharing. I am a Michigan the blocks on the back. Great idea. I will keep that in mind for future quilts.

  10. What an awesome wedding gift! Perfect in every way. I'm also from Michigan and have a wedding coming up in Sept where the groom is from Michigan and HUGE Michigan fans. Love your choice of fabrics and color and placement of start of the back. And the fact that you added your "S" to the label. SEW much fun!

  11. Oh so absolutely beautiful.

  12. Fabulous quilt, I am sure it will be treasured by them for many years to come.

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ohhh I have to make a wedding quilt for january... I have the swoon pattern, so you gave me a great idea :)

    love it :)

  14. What a great wedding gift. I'm sure they will cherish it forever! Well done!

  15. Wow! Fabulous present. I love your idea of personalising it. Beautiful.

  16. Lovely - you can't go wrong with a Swoon Quilt. The quilting is fabulous - love those heart swags! Very creative back!

  17. It is beautiful. I love the colors and the quilting!!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~