
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival Quilt Photography

I debated on writing a post about this quilt.  
I am totally in love with the photo I took of this quilt while in Traverse City.

I made this quilt for the MBS and you can find the pattern right here
 I love the fabric, Marmalade by Bonnie and Cammile, 
I love the quilting, done on my friend's long arm machine, 
and how could you not love Traverse City Michigan?!

It was raining lightly but I was determined to get a good photo of this quilt 
for the money shot on the MBS.  
I had seen this little church on the bay earlier in the day and 
asked hubby to drive me (and the quilt) back there.  
I leaped out of the car, flung the quilt over the fence, snapped two pictures, 
scooped it back up and off we went.  
All the while with me saying, I think I got *the* shot!  Of course he thought I was mad, 
but I really do think this is a beautiful shot of this quilt.

You can see some of the quilting better in this photo.

This one always reminded me of Jack claiming this quilt for his!

Probably my all time favorite photo of both Jack and this quilt.  
He passed away a year ago, but I think of him everyday and miss him so much!

I have entered the first picture in the Blogger's Quilt Festival in the quilt photography category.  
I would love it if someone would nominate it for a viewer's choice!  

If you would like to see more photos of this beautiful quilt please check out the MBS and my blog.

Have a great time visiting all the fabulous entries!



  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    What a lovely photo and a beautiful quilt! I love Bonnie and Camile, such happy, sweetly old fashioned prints that somehow manage to look modern at the same time. Very nice pairing with the white!

  2. Cats have excellent taste in quilts - they only every pick the best quality ones!

    Sorry to hear he's gone - I said goodbye to my own, also an orange tabby with great taste - in April. Never fun.

  3. Great memories of Jack. He had excellent taste in quilts.

  4. I just tried to nominate you and your quilt. I am a daily reader of your blog. I enjoy your quilts & cats too.

    Christine in MN

  5. I also tried to nominate you but didn't understand what it wanted. Was it asking for your URL or mine? How about the name and email address? Yours or mine?
    And I love the photos with Jack on them. Animals give a special touch to everything, don't you agree?

  6. Christine and Rosebud, thank you so much! I can walk you though the process if you want help. I appreciate your trying to nominate me = ) Both of you are "no reply" bloggers. If you look on my left side bar you will see how to change that so people can respond to your comments. THANK YOU for your kind words too!!

  7. oh yes this should e nominated, being no good with the instructions, could jot nominate but let us know when it has been done and I will vote for you then. So sad when we lose a pet but you have some lovely photos. I lost a loved cat nearly 20 years ago but I have the most wonderful painting that was done for me using lots of photos.

  8. I love this fabric line. The quilt looks amazing.

  9. I tried again, I'm pretty sure YOU HAVE BEEN NOMINATED. : )
    I got the message that the site has to approve and then it should be visable. Let us know (or if it is not) when it is there and what the process is for voting.


  10. Such a beautiful quilt and photo. The one with Jack looks like he is claimed it as his. It is always great to have special photos for the memories.

  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I love this quilt!


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