
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival

Life has been crazy here at my house lately but I wanted to get in on the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  

I am going to talk about a quilt I just recently blogged about.
 It is a dolly quilt that I made with 2 of my friends for another friend that was having a baby girl.
You can read all about the quilt here.
 One of my co workers was expecting a baby girl.
 I was using these dolls for heads and tails projects and
 brought the dolls into the lab to show my 2 quilting friends.
 They went absolutely crazy for them!
So it was decided that we would each make a certain number of them and I would put the quilt together.
 Of course we all made more than we were supposed to
so we laid them all out and chose from what we had made for the quilt.  

We each made dolls that represented ourselves too.
 Here is Judith's.
 She loves insects.

Robin's was made with Robin fabric

Mine had creepy bunnies.
 I love creepy things and I work with and love bunnies too.

 We made an "I spy" type of border using fabric from our three stashes for it.
 We each had to make a certain number of the squares so
 we got a nice variety and not one single print was duplicated!

We all work at U of M but you know I could not resist putting in my Spartan "S"!!

Our other friend Liz, did the quilting and she did a fabulous job!
Every girl was outlined, flowers in the open blocks and in the border.  

I love everything about this quilt and can't wait to make another one!
The last thing to do was make the label and I thought a heart was a good choice.

I hope you have enjoyed my dolly quilt and are having fun on the Blogger's Quilt Festival too!



  1. That is just adorable. I have no little girls in my family, but I would love one for myself! LOL!

  2. This is just the sweetest quilt with such memories for the mother! Congrats. Hope your dad is getting better.

  3. what a lovely quilt for a little girl

  4. still love it, and the love put into it.

  5. So sweet - I love that you worked yourselves into the top!

  6. It is such a fun quilt. I'm sure it will be treasured for many, many years.

  7. This is a delightful gift and a fun way to make a quilt. It looks wonderful.

  8. I love this quilt! I've never seen a little dolly quilt block before. It's a great baby girl quilt.

  9. Such a sweet quilt for a new baby girl. I love how each of you made a "you" for the quilt. :-)

  10. Such a lovely quilt for a newborn baby girl! I am sure it will be loved forever! Those little dolls are sooo cute!


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