
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Sewing

My middle daughter called the other day from NC to ask me to sew her a Halloween costume.  
She is 25 and does not, in general, ask for costumes anymore.  
What does she want to be you ask?  

A Sloth.  
Yes that's right, a sloth.  

 I can't sew something to make you a fairy, or a princess or something pretty and not hairy.  


So I went looking for a way to make her a costume.  
The pic she sent to me was hideous.  
A BIG hairy Chubaka looking thing.  
NOT doing that for sure.  
I am actually, dreading working with fake fur too.  

So I went online and found this on Deviant Art by Stephanino.
(many thanks for the photo)

Better possibility, a "slutty sloth".  
My words not hers.  

Maybe I can make a version of this.  
I hate the head piece, 
especially since she lives in the south and will, most likely overheat in that, 
so will modify to not cover the face, she can do makeup for the face.  

Then I went to JAF to look for any help in that department.  I found this pattern.

I am going to make the head piece like the girl in the top on the right, 
except to make it close in the front under her chin.  
There are leg warmer and arm warmer type things too. 
 Woo Hoo.  
Then I am going to make a loin cloth, like in the drawing. 
 Just a simple sew it over some ribbon and tie it on either side kind of thing.  

The top has me a little stumped. 
 I don't think I can make a half vest like in the photo but I think I will use a t-shirt template and make it so I only have to sew side seams for it.  
I probably won't even turn under any of the edges. 
 She is going to wear a leotard under it and leggings too so we should be all set for that.  

As for the sloth hands?  
I am going to try to find some brown, knit mittens and sew down part of the hand part and cut apart to make "3" fingers and then hot glue some felt claws into the fingers. 

 I love to make costumes but am dreading this one and the working with fur.  I
t is made more difficult because I can't have her here to fit it to her.  
I mailed her a tape measure and have asked for some measurements.  
We will see how it turns out.  
Stay tuned!!

Please don't forget about my giveaway.  
There is still time to enter for the chance to win the beautiful fabric from Daisy Cottage Quilting.  
Just go here and follow the directions.

Wish me luck!!



  1. Welcome to the club. My 32 year old wants something that looks like Chewbaka (sic?) wearing a basketball outfit.

  2. still laughing over "a slutty sloth" too funny.

  3. such imagination, this is going to be a wonderful costume, please share a photo of your daughter wearing it

  4. Very interesting. Good luck with it.


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