
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good Mail and Good Friends

As you are well aware my life has been kind of a hot mess lately. 
 Well never fear, between some serious retail therapy and some amazingly great friends
 I am feeling better.  
Although my dad did take a tumble today and that is never a call you want to receive, he is alright, thank goodness.

I thought I would share with you some of the great mail I have gotten lately. 
 First up a couple of purchases. 
 Some Nest from an ETSY shop, love those birds.

And a FQ bundle of Fort Firefly.  
I totally love this line!

Then I was a winner of this amazing book.  
If you have not looked at it you should.  
There are some very talented people in this book!
The quilts are super adorable too.

There was even a personal note to me inside from Amy!!  
Thanks Amy!!

My friend Pauline has been knitting up a storm and knitted me this fabulous Halloween scarf.
(sorry the photo is a little dark, it is still dark when I leave for work at 5am)
This is just one of MANY that she has made for me.
Thanks Pauline!

Then I received this big package in the mail on Saturday from my friend Dianne.
We have not met IRL yet, but I will make my way to her eventually!
(You have been warned)

She knows how much I love aqua and blues and greens and cats.
But really?  
Who doesn't know this about me right?

She is also a knitter/crocheter and made me this!
How exquisitely beautiful is this???

Those colors just make me want to do the happy dance!!

She even sent the left over yarn 
(I have no idea how to knit or crochet, LOL)
and just look at those sweet kitty scissors!!!!

She also knew it was my month to be the Queen in my bee.  
I chose aqua/bluegreen/greenblue airplanes.  

The pattern is from Quilter's Cache and it's called Lone Eagle.  

So she paper pieced me up a few or eight!  

AND sent me the left over fabrics to make more from !!!
Dianne, you are the BEST!!!

GOSH you guys!!!

I have no reason to feel sorry for myself.  

 I should feel blessed, and I do!

Thank you for reminding me.

Life is Good

Even if it is not always easy!!



  1. What a great assortment of goodies

  2. Wow! What a lot of lovely things. Glad to hear your dad is ok. It must be a great comfort to know that when something like this happens, someone will be there immediately to help him. I've gotten a few of those calls, had to rush right over to help, and then spend hours dealing with the situation. He is lucky he didn't get hurt.


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