
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I am linking up with Lee's WIP Wednesday today.  
After all the stuff that has been happening with my dad I needed some distraction so I started working on that Sloth Halloween costume yesterday.  
I managed to get all but the top done!  
Here are some pics of my progress.

First up is the arm cover.  
I was so nervous to work with the fur but other than the mess it really was not awful to work with at all.  I am planning on sewing the fingers on a pair of gloves together 
to make the 3 "toes" to wear under the arm part too.

Leg warmers. 
 These were interesting to make.  
The bottom is just hemmed and the top has a fleece casing for the elastic.

This is the head piece and I wish I had made one that came together in the front.  
This is more like a hat. 
 It is lined with fleece.  
It might be nice though as it would com off more easily.  
I am still considering making a different one. 
 It will be a time thing I think whether I do it or not.

Here is the skirt.  
It is more of a Loin cloth deal with a front and back panel that ties on both sides.  
I did put it on but will spare you *that* photo!  
Suffice it to say I realized I needed to anchor the ribbon somehow 
so they would not slip out of the casing.  
I sewed a few stitches, vertically in the center of the casing. 
 That way she could still gather it and tie it to make it fit her better.

The top part really had me stumped.  
I went back to the store to look at patterns.  
I am not going to spill the beans here but I will tell you I am attempting something crazy for the top.  Hopefully I will have that bad baby done tonight. 
 It is partially sewn right now. 

 I thought I was being clever and sewed it how I thought it should be sewn only to realize I was wrong and had to rip it all out!!! 
 Ripping out your stitching 
(especially when I forgot to lengthen my stitches on this one)
 on fake fur is NOT FUN!!!

It will be waiting for me to work on when I get home from work tonight though and 
I hope to have it complete soon.

The floor of my sewing room looks like I murdered a small animal!! 
 I can't wait to be finished with all this fake fur so I can vacuum and get on to the next project. 
 It is something I promised a friend I would make for her kids.  
It needs to be done in time for Christmas but I would really like to have it done and 
out of my hair sooner than later. 
 I won't be able to show it to you until after Christmas though as it is a surprise for the kids and they read my blog!  
Did I say they are grown up kids?  

What have you been up to?  
If you have a WIP head over to Lee's blog and link up too!  
She is another Spartan!!
Go Green!!



  1. What a good Mom you are! The costume will be great.

  2. That's going to be a great costume! =)


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