
Monday, October 21, 2013

We Have A Winner

As I am sitting in the hospital watching my dad sleep I am writing this post. Dad had a fall on Friday and broke his femur. The break is pretty high up, near the anchor of the ball joint part of his hip replacement. I thought he was going for surgery on Saturday but the ortho doc wanted to try a brace first. If the bone can be stabaluzed and begin to heal on its own we may be able to avoid surgery. Please keep us in your prayers. 

I did manage to choose a winner. Lucky number 4 Judy in Mich. Not sure how to copy what she said as I am typing on my phone lol

Congratulations Judy!!  Please email me your mailing address so I can have Sharon send out your loot!



  1. Congratulations Judy!
    Hope your Dad is feeling better soon Pam!

  2. I'm so sorry about your dad Pam. All my prayers are with you and your dad. Take care, Kathy

  3. Praying all goes well with your Father....congratulations Judy.

  4. I hope your dad heals up quickly. Take care!

  5. Prayers for you Daddy and congrats to Judy.

  6. I do hope the brace works and you Dad can avoid surgery

  7. Prayers for your Dad. Take care of yourself too!

  8. Oh no that is tough. I hope the brace helps and he can avoid the surgery.


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