
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Instagram Friends In Real Life

I received a phone call from my friend Windy last week.  
She wanted to know if she could come over and spend the night!  
She had a shopping trip planned over my way, so that was GREAT!!  
We became friends via Instagram.  
When I was driving back and forth to GR to see my dad, she lived there too so we got to meet IRL.  We became instant friends!  
She has even MORE cats than I do!!!  I have 4 but she has 8!!!!! 
 I had to laugh, my cats are not super friendly to those they don't know but they loved all over Windy!

She could not get rid of Hallie!  She was making her hexies with Hallie on her lap the whole time!

We visited the Salvation Army and made a stop to JAF.  
I picked up these goodies at JAF, so happy.  Now I can mark my mini quilt for quilting!

I managed to score a sweet new cat carrier at the SA too!!

I did a lot of great stuff over last weekend but will need to share that another day!  Maybe tomorrow!



  1. Awwwhhhh sweet! She looks lovely! Glad you enjoyed it!!!! Can't wait to see the post about the weekend!

  2. How fun! Great finds at SA.


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