
Monday, January 12, 2015

Weekend Update and Wednesday WIP

I actually had quite a productive weekend!  
I managed to add two rows to the stitch and flip charity quilt.  
That top is now ready for making into a quilt and donated.  I just have to figure out how to quilt it.  

I did some cooking.  Pigs in a blanket.

Individual chicken pot pies

I finished embroidering my peacock for my swap partner
Working with sparkly thread is more difficult!

Then I finished the top too.  
I got the side geese made but one was incorrect.  
I must have printed the paper piecing incorrectly.  
I ended up having to remake one set of the geese to put the whole top together. 
I tried to trim it down but that didn't work.  
It was kind of close on the side but I just didn't have the heart to discard it.

So I used it on the back!  
One of the points is cut off due to my earlier trimming, but it's on the back.
I figured my partner would not care and I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away!

Did laundry, and grocery shopping, went to Cabela's with hubby and then a quilt shop.  
All in all it was a great weekend, but I wish I had one more day at home.

Linking up to Lee's WIP Wednesday too.

How did you spend your weekend?



  1. Very pretty. You had a productive weekend. I worked, then was a total bum, except to go grocery shopping.

  2. You had a great productive weekend. Love that stitch and flip quilt!!

  3. I love peacock block! Is that Bee over?

  4. I love your peacock block. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You're one busy gal these days... love all the original and stunning works of art being crafted by your hands... oh, yeah; and the yummy food is all that too! ;)


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