
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Working On A Swap Project

The deadline is quickly approaching for a swap that I am in.  
Autumn is praying that I will finish it in time.

I did begin the embroidery portion of the mini quilt and this is the outer border,
 or one of them anyway.  
I am using a pattern by my friend Kelly.  
You can find it here if you want to make awesome wavy goose borders for something too.  
I had to make 8 of these for my project and they took me most of a day to get them all finished. 
 I graded them by shade then decided that I should have made 2 more but 
if I do that now they won't grade.  
This just means that the outer 4 corners will be white, but I'm going with
 "it's a design decision" not a brain bubble.  Right?
I am going to link up with a Lovely Year of Finishes and
 this is the project I want to complete for January.
I am also linking up to Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday.

I also decided that I most certainly did NOT have enough things of my own to do so decided to host a Tula Pink Mini Quilt Swap over on Instagram.  
Sign ups are complete and I am working with my friend, Tracey, to get this organized and to get partners assigned.

It should be a lot of fun and hopefully not too much work!  What have you been up to?



  1. sounds like fun! as for me...I am still running around like chicken little yelling the Fabrics Falling, the Fabrics Falling!!

  2. Thanks for the link. I'm playing with Disappearing 4 patch ( and the Quiltmaker bitty bow tie blocks (

  3. Does your kitty take prayer requests? She looks like she's really into it!!
    Beautiful blocks, too!

  4. ROFL Like your geese they are very lovely. Thank goodness you have Autumn saying prayers for you! I need Autumn to encourage me to get to working on my projects.


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