
Friday, January 09, 2015

Friday Finish

I couldn't talk about this one before Christmas but I can now! 
 I made yet another Christmas stocking to join the other 2 I did last year for my nephew and his wife.  They had a beautiful baby girl and I got to make her a stocking to match her mama and papa's. 
 I got to work with my favorite blue and gold color combination (NOT).

I used the pattern found here to make it. 
 I always put off making things that are not quilts. 
They give me anxiety and I fret about how things will turn out. 
 I did the patchwork then laid out the stocking pattern to cut it out.

Here it is all cut out and ready to make.

I am really happy with how this turned out. 
 Although Katherine is a l-o-n-g name to fit on the front of a stocking! 
 I told them to name their next one a shorter name!! LOL

Here is her daddy's stocking

Her mama's stocking

And baby makes three!!

I'm linking  up to Crazy Mom Quilts finish it up Friday.



  1. I love your stockings! I did a couple string pieced stockings and yours are evey so much nicer!

  2. Love those stockings and I DO love the blue and gold.

  3. Love the colors and patterns!

  4. So Michigan State all the way? :) Have you seen this commercial? Your post makes me think you will appreciate it.

  5. Very very nice!

  6. I totally get your anxiety about sewing things that are not quilts but you did a fantastic job!

  7. All three stockings are gorgeous, but I am most impressed with how you managed to make Katherine's long name fit :-)


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