
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Playing with A Charm Pack

Have you just ever wanted to create something quick out of a Charm Pack?  Me too! 
 I needed to work some designs up that use a charm pack for a challenge coming up in my guild. 
 I am one of the Charity Chair people and this is what we are doing.  
Make a quilt (36" x 48") using a Charm pack and whatever fabric you want to add.

I decided to experiment with sewing 4 charm squares together, then cutting the 4 patch diagonally. 
 I sewed that into a HST block and then set it as pinwheels.  
The HST block was 9.5" so it makes a HUGE pinwheel.  
The only problem is that the center square gets the "point" chopped off.  
I figure as long as they are all the same it is a design decision. 
 Am I right? 

Here is one of the blocks I made. 

I plan on making 4 of these blocks and then a small border of the cream grunge on the sides, 
with larger top and bottom, 
maybe with some pieced borders for the top and bottom to make it long enough.  
These certainly are quick to do and I really like how it looks.  

I forgot how much I love this cream (with undertones of pink and brown) Grunge 
Actually, I think the entire Grunge is underrated.  I love the subtle variations in this fabric line!  
The charm pack I am using is from the Kissing Booth line by Basic Grey.  
The cream with the pink and brown was part of that line. 
 From time to time Basic Grey make a Grunge or two for specific lines but
 there are basics that are carried all the time.  The light pink Grunge in this line is fabulous too!

I will have most of a charm pack left so will attempt to make another charm friendly quilt with those. I have a design in mind so will keep you posted.  

I would like to hear what you think of this block. 
 If you would like me to take photos of how I did this and a quick tutorial I can do that too. 
 Although it is pretty straight forward!

Linking up to Lee's blog over at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.

Have a great day!!



  1. I love grunge as well. It is a nice subtle, non-solid.

  2. I'm a fan of almost everything Basic Grey creates. Love your block. The large size makes it great for stitching up a quick charity quilt.

  3. Thanks Karen and Debora!

  4. It'll be really fun when it's finished! :) I love non solid solids (if that makes sense!) they look so much less flat and really bring the quilt to life :) "decign decisions" are cool too :) x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cute block and I love Grunge it is one of my favorite blenders.

  7. love it. I'm wondering if you could make the 4 patch,RST w/the Grunge and then stitch 1/4" on each side of the diagonal and then cut for a quicker block?
    Anyway good design.


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