
Monday, March 23, 2015

The Dress Is Finished

Yes you read that correctly!  I actually got the dress completely, 100% finished this weekend.  
It took me most of Saturday and Sunday to do it but it is complete.  
It is even in the mail now headed to my daughter in NC. 
 I can't believe I agreed to make another one for her.  What was I thinking???  
Well maybe at least the second one should be easier right?

Would you like to see some shots of this dress?  
OK here goes.  This was me hand sewing the lining down on the inside. 
 Only to realize when I went to press it that on the other side, 
(yes I know, the front of the dress in the center, of course) was a pucker!  
So I had to rip out the stitching I had just finished, rip out the seam, 
resew the seam then re-sew the lining.  

This is a view of the dress all finished.  Or is it?

No, wait, I need to add a couple of embellishments.  I put these cute little white flowers on the sleeve.

Oh, and also some on the back of the neck.  JIC she happens to wear her hair up.

Now it is all finished.  I sure hope she gets some photos of herself wearing this dress for me!

This is the back.  Zipper and all.

I also managed to finish my Tula Pink mini quilt this weekend and 
it is all packaged up and ready to send off to my partner.  

I did get a few other things accomplished too but will share later.  
Next up is to get that wedding quilt top put together!  

I managed to squeeze in some grocery shopping, cooking and laundry this weekend too. 
 Thought Auntie Dianne might enjoy seeing her Aiden getting a drink too.  
Lots of cat time this weekend.

How was your weekend??



  1. Good job getting the dress finished. Looks great! I had the dreaded grocery shopping trip too.

  2. Congrats on your finish. It is lovely.

  3. awwwww!!! look at my sweet little baby girl drinking from the faucet and wiping her little mouth!!! i do so love my Aiden!!!


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