
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Do. Good Stitches

You may have seen this button on my side bar.

I requested to join in this group when they had an opening. 
 It is pretty slick how it works. 
 There are several different hives, if you will, all doing the same type of thing.  
One person is in charge. 
 There are several quilters that choose the blocks made each month to make the finished quilt.  
You make the blocks (2 each month) and mail them to the quilter and 
she/he puts it together and quilts and binds it.  
Then they go off to the charity that has been chosen for the group.  

I am very excited to be participating in this charity work!  

I know I have not had a lot to post about recently. 
We are having work done on our house and my sewing room is out of commission right now.  
I hope to get it all put back together this weekend and get some sewing done!

 I am working on a small quilt with Brenda Ratliff's new fabric line called Pie Making Day.  
I am planning on doing a little tutorial about that quilt in the near future.  
I will try to get some fabric requirements ready for early next week so be on the look out! 

 If you are interested in making this neat little quilt you may want to look for 
an embroidery that will fit into a 12" x 12" format.  
I have used 2 different images (free) that I found online.  
There is a really nice group on Flickr 
that posts great images or feel free to use one you already have.  
If you have something you like but think it needs to be larger go ahead and 
try enlarging it and see if you still like it.  

I hope some of you will play along with me on this quilt!  


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great group to belong to. Can't wait to see the blocks you are making.


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