
Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Doings

We had a crazy weekend!  It began on Friday when our daughter came in to town from NC.  
We drove her to Gross Pointe to go to a bachelorette party.  
We dropped her off and drove home.  
LOTS of cleaning up from the work the contractor did while at my house.  

Good news is that I got a ceiling light/fan for in my sewing room now!!  
Bad news?  
I can't put my closet back together again until the ceiling light/fan is done in the other bedroom.  Access is through my closet ceiling.  Here is my new light!

Saturday found us at the farm.  We were going to help dig post holes for the bird pen expansion.  
And by we I mean my daughter, SIL and husband, LOL. 
 I was relegated to the basement to go through boxes left there from my dad's house. 
 It was so cold in the basement though that I came up periodically to get warm. 
 I would wander outside and play with the birds, take a few pictures and then back into the basement.  I was paying with Jocelyn and thought you might like to hear her voice.  
We hatched her from an egg when my DD lived at our house.

We rented a post hole digger 
(thank goodness, as hubby is not getting any younger!)
Now you see it...

Now you don't!!  Every time they fired it up the two male peacocks would start calling.

I managed to get a video of Blu when he was calling.  
The slight "echo" you hear is actually Octavain II who would begin slightly after Blu.

These are the posts we got planted (maybe with enough attention they will grow into a bird pen!)

Sunday we had to drive back to Detroit and pick up our other daughter after her partying weekend and drive her to the airport.  
We stopped off for lunch with her and then took her to the airport. 
 We got home and I fled upstairs to my sewing room.  
I really had no business working on anything but the "have to" list but of course I did something new.  I did work on the have to  list too though.  
I am hoping to finish up the market quilt soon and then we can have a QAL if you like.

Being around the birds inspired me to try this little paper pieced pattern I found online. 
 I have a friend that is a little down and so thought she might like this as a pin cushion.  
I have printed out enough to make 3 more that I think I will make a little mini quilt for her. 
 Just not right now.  
The block is about 4" square.

How was your weekend?



  1. Such a cute little bird!
    Do you have a link to the pattern?

  2. That is quite the drive to Grosse Point. I had a charter a couple of weeks ago from a frat in Ann Arbor to the Rooster Tail. I agree when you have that many post holes to dig, rent a post hole digger. The birds are sweet, and funny, waiting for the neighbor's peacocks to start stalking my back porch.


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