
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Embroidery with Aurifloss

As I said before I had the opportunity to do some hand stitching for a quilt going to market. 
 I was given some Aurifloss to use and I have to say I LOVE working with this floss. 
 At first I was not sure how it would be any different from any other good quality floss but it is. 
 It is very smooth to use even with longer strands.  
It did not seem to tangle as much and the glide in the fabric was so nice. 
 I managed to finish my embroidery and even got it pressed!  
I wish I had better lighting to show you how vibrant the color of the floss is.  
Aren't they the cutest??

I went to the DAMQG meeting last night to check it out. 
 I was thinking that I might want to be a DAM girl.
  Now I am pretty sure of this!  
The meeting was a lot of fun and they have so many nice projects in the works. 
 Their hearts are BIG and they are making a difference. 
 Everyone was so welcoming too. 
 Their charity hashtag on IG is #thatDAMcharitybee.  LOL  
How could you not want to join a group like that??

Since this little stitchery is part of a larger project I am linking up to Lee's blog and WIP Wednesday.

Have a great day and happy sewing!



  1. Your mischievous little kittens are adorable. Great work!

  2. Thanks for the link to DAMQG. They look wonderful, and love that they have a list of their members with blogs.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~