
Friday, April 10, 2015

Wedding Quilt For Amy and Grant

I am posting about a quilt I finished quite a long time ago.  
It has a long convoluted story but I am not going to go into that right now.  
Instead I am going to talk about how happy I was to be able to gift this quilt to a very special, young couple that got married last January.  

Amy has been a friend of my middle daughter's since they were both 5 years old.  
They were besties for many years and when they talk it's like things pick right up where they left off.  I think most of us have friends like that right? 
She spent so much time at our house she is like another daughter to us!

 Anyway, I designed this quilt for their wedding.  Without further ado I will just share the photos.

This quilt may look like some others but I assure you it was completely designed by me using EQ7.  Kathy Koch did the amazing quilting.

This is the quilt on their bed.

I love how the colors look in this photo here on the bed.

A quick shot of the label

The quilt was fairly large so I ended up having to piece the back.  I could not be happier with how amazing the back turned out!

Of course you can see Kathy's amazing quilting on the back too. 

Here is a photo of Amy and Grant from their wedding.  
(borrowed from Amy's FB page)

This is an oldie but a goodie of Amy and my daughter up north at Hardy Dam.
They both look so young to me here!  

I hope you have enjoyed the quilt and the story too.  
I am linking up to Finish it up Friday over at Crazy Mom Quilts.

Have a great weekend and happy sewing!



  1. That looks SO great!!! The quilting is perfect for it.

  2. Lovely quilt and love the quilting. Very pretty girls.

  3. what a wonderful, sentimental finish! it's great we can commemorate special milestones with quilts. i got a wedding quilt and still treasure it 20 years later. oh, and that backing is fabulous!

  4. @Karen: You are a no reply blogger so I will say it here, thank you so much for stopping by! I love this quilt too!! Have a wonderful stitchy day!!

  5. Awesome quilt! I love it.

  6. What a gorgeous, gorgeous quilt! A wonderful wedding gift!

  7. Gorgeous work, I love the colour scheme and I really like the backing!

  8. Anonymous7:02 PM

    This is such a wonderful quilt! I love the movement created by the colors on the front, and the back is so beautiful it could be the main quilt! What a great gift!

  9. lovely quilt and congrats to the newlyweds

  10. This is so pretty! What a beautiful pattern and quilt.

  11. It is so pretty and I love the colors. I'm sure she will treasure it forever.


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