
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Mini Trip and Some Christmas Stitching

Hubby and I took off last week for a day and drove to Shipshewana Indiana.  
We love visiting there.
So many neat places and we had specific things we were looking for.
Christmas shopping was happening, people.
One of the first places we go is the Davis Mercantile.
First stop is Jo-Jo's Pretzels for pretzels and there sweet mustard.
Then I am off to Lolly's
I decided to look around and see if there were any purples/blues that I could use for my daughter's upcoming wedding quilt.
It is, of course, peacock themed.
Yes, thanks, these will do nicely.
Great beginning.

This is the pattern I am planning on trying to make. 
 I am sure there will be modifications but this is the starting point.

What is a trip to Amish country without seeing some buggies?

Funny story about these "J's".  
We were in the bulk food store several years ago and I was looking at the sprinkles for cakes/cookies.  I had the alphabet on my mind so when I picked up this container, I looked at it for a bit and asked my husband why it only had J's in it? 
 To which he replied, "Ah, I think those are candy canes".  
Well DUH, of course they were.  Sheesh, my blondeness was showing. 
 Now everytime we go one of us picks these up and remembers the "J's".  
LOL  I hope this makes you all laugh!

Which brings me to what I am furiously trying to finish for Christmas.  
I'm sure that from this peek you can tell what this is. 
 I have been working on a pair of pillowcases for you know who.  
I am soooo close to being finished with them!

I am linking up to Let's Bee Social and WIP Wednesday.

What are you working on??
Is it secret sewing?



  1. The pillowcases are beautiful!!! I guess she doesn't read your blog. So the daughter with the peacocks is getting married...I thought the gal in NC was. Doesn't matter, what a wonderful and exciting time for your family. Beautiful blue fabric and the pattern = wow!
    I know it will be great!

  2. Loving the new fabric choice and those peacock stitches look so good :)

  3. ROFL love the "j" story. Your pillowcases are going to be fabulous.

  4. Pillowcases...try Goodwill or Salvation Army to buy old cases and remove and use the crocheted edging. Also, try antique malls or antique shows. When you have time... (LOL), what font did you use for the names on the stockings? I can't seem to find that font. thanks and Merry Christmas!!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~