
Monday, December 21, 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

We worked all weekend to get the tree decorated, the house decorated and cleaned. 
 I have to confess, I abandoned my hubby on Sunday to go and sew though. 
 I promised a very special young lady a pair of Christmas stockings and one was partially finished with the other one just a vision dancing in my head!

Here is the first one I finished.
It is always a challenge to remember how to do that cuff!
The first one is always the slowest.

I was waffling about whether to make the second one the same as the first or different.  
In the end I went with a different one.  
Mainly because I loved that background fabric so much!
It is from Kate Spain's Flurry line.

I stayed up past my bedtime to finish the second one, but I was so close I just didn't want to stop!
I have one more to make in blue and gold, but it will not have a name until next year.  
I am trying to decide whether I want to just make it now while I am in the groove or wait.
  It is always so much easier to do when it is fresh in my mind, 
but I have at least one more Christmas gift I need to make.

Of course there are always more things we want to make but at some point I need/want to stop and just enjoy my family and Christmas. 
 I think this next gift (and one more shower thing, not sewing related) is going to be the end.  

What last minute things are you working on?



  1. Beautiful stockings.

  2. Love the stockings! Can you point me toward a pattern?

  3. the children are going to love these stockings and are sure to use them for many years to come. have a wonderful time with the family

  4. Gorgeous stockings. Love your script you use.

  5. Happy New Year Pam! Hope all is well with you - haven't heard from you in awhile. Take care.

  6. Donna, they took the pattern down = ( It was a free one on Maywood Studios.


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