
Friday, January 08, 2016

A few More Projects

I have been working on a couple more things too. 
 In the spirit of moving forward with UFO's I hauled out my older Dream On stars quilt.  
It only needed the binding done.  I had to make the binding and attach it.

I had that green vintage sheet just begging to be made into binding for this beauty.  
Bonus that I only needed 5 strips for the entire quilt!  
Now comes the task of hand sewing the binding down.  I'm working on it.  

This will be included in my Finish Along group.

I cut up a TON of old batting scraps to use for making rag quilts.  
If you happen to have old charm or layer cake squares you don't need or no longer want,
 I would happily take them!  
I know I usually end up with a few left over squares that I don't end up using in the project.  
They typically end up in my scrap bin.  
Well, feel free to mail them off to me!  I need 12" squares, 10" squares and 5" squares.  
I don't really want to take the time to cut a ton of these.  
So if you want to clear some out, email me at and 
I will give you my mailing address.  
I have enough of my own fabric that I can cut up, but if they are already cut, 
you know it will go that much more quickly!  

I did take the bull by the horns and cut up a bunch more of my vintage sheets to make 
198 squares for one of the sets of batting I have cut out. 
 I put them all together and sewed the "X" across the squares.  
All that's left is to sew these together and voila, a rag quilt in the making.  
Then all that snipping, Oi!

I will be listing this in my finish along post too.

I am excited to be able to bust out some new WIP's and finish up some older ones.

Will you be joining me??


1 comment:

  1. I don't use layer cakes, or charm packs often. Love your binding though!


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