
Thursday, January 07, 2016

New Baby Quilt in Process

Because I don't have enough to do, I decided that I needed to begin another baby quilt.  
It looks like I will have 3 to make this year. 
 I basted 2 chenille blankets last night but they are both decidedly "girly" so I need to baste at least one more in case one or more are boys.  

Just so I am clear:

Three wedding quilts

Three chenille blankets 

Three baby quilts

So far anyway. 
 I am hoping this means I can sneak in some selfish sewing along the way.  
What do you think?  

I had seen this adorable pinwheel quilt with Prairie Points on the Moda Bakeshop.  
It said that it took one charm pack.  I thought, what the heck, why not?

The pinwheels went together pretty quickly.  
Those prairie points?  Not so much!  
You use a 2.5" square and fold it 2 x diagonally to form the PP. 
 Then you kind of nest them.  
I have a few pointers on this. 
 Don't be an idiot like I was, how about that for starters? 
 Pay attention to which way the folded edge vs the open edges face as you pin them to the quilt.  
I did not do this.  It would have been best if the folded edge faced you as you sew. 
 In other words, make the folded edge the part your needle comes into contact with first. 
 Once I had them pinned in place I noticed that the folded edge slipped out of the overlapping edge.  Elmer's washable school glue to the rescue! 
I put a dot of glue under the open edge, slipped in the folded side and pressed.  
This holds them all together and nothing slips out of place when you go to baste them to the quilt top.

They are all basted down in this photo.

Once they were all basted I was able to sew on the outside border pretty easily.

 The next step was to grab a vintage sheet for the backing and get to basting.  
It is now ready for me to quilt. 
 It is small enough to quilt on my home machine.  

I am excited to get to quilting this one.  It is such a cheerful quilt!

I am going to join the Finish Along going on out there in blog land too.
It is done by quarter year increments. 

Info can be found at She Can Quilt.
Linking up begins today some time if you too are interested in getting some UFO busting done.
I'm hoping this is not a UFO for long!



  1. That's really pretty, Pam!

  2. Cute, cute, cute!! Thanks for the tip on the PPs. I found that if you squirt Best Press on the PPs, they lay flat and don't move around much. Lucky baby!!

  3. That is a very cute quilt. I tried some prairie points this December. I did the other type and had a terrible time, but I just did not get it up under the border enough. I am willing to try again though.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~