
Friday, January 29, 2016

Dreamy Stars is Finished

I've been working on completing some of my unfinished projects. 
 I did not realize how many of those I actually had until I began digging them out!  
 I listed out 12 and each month they choose a number and you are supposed to work on that one. 

 I also joined up the 2016 Finish along
 For that, I made a post and listed projects I wanted to finish in the first 3 months of the year.  
You can carry them over to the next quarters if need be, no penalty. 
 I think there are prizes for finishes.  
Just a little motivation for me along with all the quilts I "need" to finish this year.

The first project for the month of January was my Dreamy Stars quilt.  
All it needed was binding!! 
 I cut out the binding from a vintage sheet.  I love this diagonal gingham for binding. 
 The nice part was that I only had to cut 4 strips for the entire quilt!!

Doesn't it look great?  I used a vintage sheet for the back and I could not love it any more!

It has been cold and GRAY here in MI so this is not the best photo but you get the general idea.

Here is a close up of the quilt.

I was hoping the quilting would show up better but it is really nice.  
My friend Liz did the quilting on this one. 
 Also, note the corner stones?  
They were cut from actual vintage sheets too.  

Sometimes it is difficult to work with this drama queen and all her "help"!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it Friday.

Also linking up with the Finish along here
See my original list here

Have a great weekend!!



  1. All it needed was the binding .... great start to your UFO's roll on February! Great kitty photo.

  2. i do like that green gingham - it looks like it was made for this one! and Liz is the bomb-diggity, isn't she?!?

    good luck with that mermaid - do you remember Earth Angel? she might be by the same designer ... anywho, i spent a gazillion years working on her and then couldn't stand to look at her - she is hiding on the least sunny wall in the family room and i forget that she is even there unless i close up the computer hutch - and then, it's like, "YOU!! UGH!!!"

    it is sunny and clear here today - till sunday, when the Snow Demons return...

  3. Great finish. Love the gingham.

  4. Gorgeous, so sweet and soft!

  5. quilt looks awesome!

  6. I remember when you started that because I wanted to run out and buy the fabric. Urban Chicks, right? I had just started to follow your blog at that time.

  7. This is just great! I love scrappy stars and it's the perfect thing for a grey day. Nice finish. (BTW, love that binding - bias gingham bindings are my fave.)

  8. I like that you used a vintage sheet on the back and for the binding. Looks great with the quilt!

  9. So, so pretty! Feminine, romantic, soft and cuddly! You nailed it!

  10. Dreamy Stars is a perfect name for this quilt. Great binding choice for this beauty.

  11. This just screams springtime! Beautiful~

  12. The quilt is gorgeous, and I adore your binding. Love the helper too.

  13. This turned out very lovely! Thanks for joining the FAL on behalf of the FAL hosting team! To be eligible for prizes, please include a link to your Q1 FAL list in this post, ok?

  14. Love the 'vintage' look with this one, beautiful finish!

  15. This is gorgeous! I love star quilts and the colors are wonderful. Make sure to add a link to your original list so you're eligible for prizes too! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~