
Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Happy New Year

Now that we are on to the new year it is time to wish you all a happy, healthy one!

I had a couple of days to work in my sewing room and decided that one of the things I wanted to get done over the break was to finish up the quilt top for Amy and Matt for their wedding.  
This was a much bigger job than I had anticipated!  
I got all the blocks finished.

Of course I had loads of help from Autumn!

So almost there.

Seems like I get a pic of Hallie near the tree every year!  She is so pretty.

Saturday morning found us making some Ebelskivers (hope that is spelled correctly) for breakfast.  YUM

Finally the inner part of the top was finished.  On to the borders (sorry for the poor lighting)

I had the embroidered label done for awhile so I could incorporate it into the back. 
 I finally decided to use my most cherished, Pearl Bracelets to make the back. 
 Notice that the first frame around the label says "Made with love" 
 I LOVE that fabric!

Pearl Bracelets for miles! 
(or maybe just yards 6 yards to be exact!)

It is all finished and ready to hand off to the quilter. 
I can't wait to see what magic Kathy does with this one!

I have more shares but they will have to wait until another day.  

Is anyone out there interested in the Improv Plus along??  

I think that may be next up after I share the rest of what I have been working on.  



  1. I love the blocks!!! But what are ebelskivers??

  2. Bob insisted I google them... and found loads of info. Would you believe William Sonoma has pans, turning things and even a can of ebelskiver pancake mix!!

  3. After seeing so many GREAT blocks over the months with this pattern---I had to buy it. Hopefully I'll make a big enough dent in my UFO's so I can start one of these. Glad your holidays were good. rjc2cam(at)msn(dot)com do spammers really go after addresses in blog posts?

  4. Love this quilt. Beautiful just beautiful.

  5. what a wonderful wedding present a beautiful quilt, do you not quilt them yourself?


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