
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ithaca, The Corning Glass Museum and Home

One of the last places we visited while at the Finger Lakes was to travel to Ithaca. 
 There was a quilt shop I really wanted to visit.  
On our way we drove by a covered bridge so we had to get out and 
take some photos for everyone, right?  
This is the Newfield covered bridge and
 is the only covered bridge still being used in Tompkins county.

This quilt shop was my favorite of the entire trip!
It was in Ithaca and called Quilter's Corner.
I probably spent the most here!
If you are ever in the area stop by and check them out.

 Then we stopped at Pucky Huddle.  
This was a bright purple building, very difficult to miss. 
 Their sale section was amazing, an entire room and once again, everyone was very nice!

The Corning Museum of Glass was overwhelming!  
Hubby and I were very excited, hoping to see the history of Pyrex there. 
 We were sorely disappointed.  
They talked about how it came about but I think we both wanted to see examples of all of the Pyrex through the years.
We did purchase a book about collecting Pyrex though.

That being said, there was a lot of cool glass stuff and 
the history of glass throughout the world in general.  
Not really my thing and wayyyyyy too much data for me to process. 
 This glass sculpture was near the line to get in.

This Lynx was made entirely of glass.  Probably my fav of everything we saw.

The glass blowing demo was pretty interesting too. 
 We watched another one where they explained the different types of glass and what that means as to how breakable that glass is.  
Very interesting.

There were loads of these glass pumpkins and these huge ones in the truck were pretty neat.

Our week was up and we headed home on Friday.  
The colors had gotten even better by the end of the week.

We did stop at one last quilt shop in Wellsboro, PA.
Mostly civil war and batiks, but I bought a little something.

We stopped at this shop The Gallery of Fabric Quilt Shop, in Mercer PA.  
What a little gem!
I found a pattern here that I had been looking for (YAY). 
 I also bought my Ghastlies fabric here too.
Hubby wanted a couple of things so we did spend a little money at this shop also.

 We are now home and I have to say it was an incredible trip!  
We found another state park with the second largest waterfall in NY. 
That is now on our list for another time. (Letchworth State Park).

Now we are back to our regularly scheduled programing.  
This includes the Hallowedding and, no just the Hallowedding for now, LOL.



  1. It looks like you had a beautiful trip. I love the backroads and they things you see along the way.

  2. Great trip, thanks for taking me along, lol.

  3. I've looked at your photo's every day and what an incredible journey you have both had plus lots of great photo's for your 'forever' memories :)


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