
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

WIPs With Friends

I have a very brief minute to make this post.  
I will be out for the rest of the week and part of next week for my daughter's wedding.

I stopped out to her farm to visit her last weekend because her oldest peacock, Blu hurt his leg. 
 He had an ankle issue and had surgery when he was young.  
It never really healed well and he pretty much stands on one foot all the time.  
It was bound to happen that something would happen to his other foot/leg.  
She has to take him to the vet today and hopefully we will know more soon.  
He is the very first peacock that she hatched out from an egg.  I
t was while she was living in our home.  Both he and his sister and the turkey Jocelyn. 
 Osirius has passed away but Blu and Jo are still alive and kicking.  
Hopefully it is just a strain and not a slipped tendon, but we should know later today.  

He is such a pretty boy! 
 I am sure you have seen lots of photos of him thoughout the years, 
but just in case these are his last few days I wanted a few more.

Daughter was happy that he has fathered so many babies and that she still has some.  
She will keep one or two if something is seriously wrong with him. 
 She said one had Osirius's face and took me into the barn to see.  
This is what I saw. 
 It was quite dark and I thought it was three peafowl but no, it was a peafowl sandwich with a peafowl wanna be in the middle!  
As soon as I saw the three of them I knew immediately it was the bird on the far right.  
His face looks just like Osirius's did.

So now on to my WIP.  Still the Hallowedding quilt.  Now it will have a haunted house!
I am loving how this came out!

As I said, I will be on a short break until after the wedding, but please do link up.

Link up here and 
tell us all what YOU have been working on too!  
You should know the drill by now.  
Click on the blue "inlinkz" button to add your link.  
If you are only on Instagram use the #wipswithfriends.


Now it's your turn to link up your finishes here. 
 Remember that if you do post in the link up here
 you should post a link back to this post on your own blog too.

So now it's your turn to share what you are working on.  
Please use the linky to link up and share that you linked up to WIPs With Friends on your blog too.  If using Instagram please use the hashtag
We can't wait to see what you are working on!
Use the blue Inllinkz button to link up and spread the word by linking back to this post!


  1. Beautiful critters ♥

  2. Such a beautiful bird, hope all is well with him.

  3. Pretty birds and I love the haunted house. Happy wedding time.

  4. hope all is well with him.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~