
Wednesday, November 02, 2016


For anyone that reads this blog regularly you all know that my daughter got married last weekend.  She is a VERY unconventional woman and did this entire thing her way.  
Did her parents always agree with her choices? 
No we did not, but we were there to support her every step of the way.

Most of my time in the past month has been dedicated to wedding prep.  
I am still working on the Hallowedding quilt but 
have not had a spare minute to do one more thing this past week. 
 I will, however, share some wedding photos. 
 I did not take many pictures so that I could be in the moment. 
 We had a professional photographer so there will be family photos from that session.  
I will share a few I did manage to take with my phone though.

The weekend started with us prepping the reception hall. 
 Eric's mom, sister, nephew, my other daughter and I did most of the hall set up. 
 Eric and his dad did a lot of unloading as did my hubby.

First up was putting up the Happy Hallowedding poster for the selfie station. 
 My friend's mom was an artist when she was alive.  
She drew the haunted house scene.  My friend put in the lettering and the costumed raven.

Directly across from the selfie station were things to wear, just in case you didn't dress up. 
 There were all kinds of glowing toys too for the kids. (and the adults)

This is what the hall looked like once we had the tables all decorated.

Since there was no wedding party we just gave the bride and groom their own table.

Eric's mom and sister did a fantastic job with the Trick-Or-Treating station!

I made this weird veggie skeleton.  
I also made a cheeseball that looked like a spider but apparently I did not take a photo of that!

Even though my daughter asked me not to make a bouquet I could not resist!  
The Hydrangea's came from Eric's grandmother's garden and the Allium from my friend's garden.  
I spray painted and glittered them, then Kelsey and I used the purple ribbon to wrap the stems.

I did receive a frantic phone call about an hour before we were supposed to leave saying Eric needed an orange pocket square for his suit and could I make him one. 
 So I took a photo of several oranges and she chose this one 
(it has Halloween themed prints on it).

Also, in that same phone call, "we left our glasses at home can you go get them?"  
Adding an hour to our time for dollar store glasses?  
I had some Waterford glasses that we had given to my parents for their 50th anniversary.  
They were not exchanging rings so wanted to drink from each other's glasses at the ceremony.  
She said she wished they still had the wine they had made a few years ago to do the toast with. 
 I opened my cupboard and asked, "Oh you mean this?"  
I still had my bottle!  
So I packed it in my cat wine tote and brought it all with us.

This is the only photo I have of myself dressed up!  I took it in my kitchen just before we left.

Here are the bride and groom.  I really love that bouquet!

My beautiful daughter!

The teeny, tiny chapel.

 Toasting station.

I loved her hair piece and her shall.  Peacocks galore!

The handsome groom!

Exchanging vows

Drinking from each other's glass

The kiss!

 The certificate (even though the legal ceremony happened at the court house on Monday)

Party time.  Everyone was getting into costume.  
My other daughter and her boyfriend went as Amelia Pond and the Doctor.  

And while I completely HATE this photo of myself I am posting anyway.
I went as the peacock queen and hubby went as a peacock trainer.

The back of my tutu was so much prettier.  I hand sewed the feathers to the tutu.

I didn't get a photo of my son but I know that the photographer did.  
I have to show you the cake. 
 It came from Cake Crumbs in Southfield MI and I would totally recommend them!

Shelby's friend made the peacocks for the cake topper and they were so sweet.
You can find her work here.
The male has his wing around the female.  
LOVE how his tail ended up in cupcakes!  
All different flavors of cake, made it really fun!

The sign out front of the hall.  I had to basically beg to get them to do this for me.

The "Mad Scicntists" entrance to "She Blinded Me With Science"

They didn't want to cut the cake it was so beautiful.  
I did buy them a cake knife with their names and the date on it 
as well as the server that had an etched peacock on it. 
(again I forgot to take any photos)
They chose Cake By The Ocean as the cake cutting song.

They were nice to each other with the cake.

First dance.

Daddy daughter dance.

Mother son dance.  
Mom and dad went as Amy Farah Fowler and Sheldon Cooper, the later years.

Our fabulous DJ Joey, put this together. 
 My niece, Jane wore the T-Rex costume and she was a HUGE hit on the dance floor!  
If you need a DJ you should totally look him up!  
Hubby and I dancing, Shelby and Eric, friends, and the bottom one is most of my husband's family.  Plus you can see my son standing in front of me, next to the groom.  
(I know, doesn't he look just like Chris Pratt?)

If this photo is any indication of what is to come, I can't wait to see Amber's pics.
Amber Yanovich was our photographer.  You can contact her through her website.

I will have more pictures once we get some back from Amber.  
I hope anyone else that took photos will 
use the hashtag #happyhallowedding to post whatever photos they did take.



  1. What a beautiful time. It was so different from other wedding, which makes it so special. I love everything about it, even though I'm not a fan of Halloween.

  2. It looks like a lovely wedding, and you too look great! But.....I'm a DOCTOR fan so Amy and the Doctor are my fav๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  3. Looks like a wonderful party! Thank you for sharing pictures of the special family day. Quilt picture soon? :)

  4. Fantastic! Happy deep-breath and relax time now for the mother of the bride. :)

  5. Different but oh so wonderful!!! Love the bouquet and that cake, wow, just amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Just love how different and orginal this wedding was. Vive la difference! Have to say bouquet makes the wedding photos picture perfect.

  7. The wedding turned out fabulous. The cake is gorgeous, and it looks like a great time was had by all, and the weather was cooperative too!

  8. love it all, including the most work by Mom of the bride!!!!

  9. what a fun #happyhallowedding ~ thanks for the promo Pam! =)

  10. I had goose bumps all the way through reading the post! What a fun little wedding. You are just as cute as can be! XO

  11. Very beautiful photographs shared here. I just loved your hallowedding idea. This is something new and unique which I have ever seen. Thinking to have same theme for my brother’s wedding which is going to take place at one of beautiful event venues Chicago next month.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~