
Monday, November 21, 2016

Ocean Waves QAL Some Useful Tools

I have given this a lot of thought over the weekend and have decided that I will go ahead and do this as a QAL beginning after the new year.  
This will give you time to gather your ideas, some fabrics and a few tools.  
I made a test 1/4 of a block last night and used pretty small HST to do it. 
 I want to make a full on circle and see if I can live with that size or if I need to make it larger.  
I am also taking an online course to learn to us my EQ software so will try to plan this out in EQ.  Hopefully this will give me some ideas of yardage for you all. 
 I am going to use various navies and white with a smattering of colored bits.  

My friend, Norma, did this and I fell in love with her version.  
I thought she told me she used 2.5" squares for her HST, 
trimmed to 2" which means they finish at 1.5" in the block.  
I was wrong.  
Her HSTs were 2.5" and finished at 2" in the block. 
 This means my full blocks (the circles) would finish at 12" while hers were 16". 
 I think I'm going to make one of each and see how I like them.  
The test quarter I did last night was using the 2" and I have to say it was not too bad to put together. 
 I sometimes think that when you start making things bigger 
you have LOTS more room for things not to match up. 
 On the down side it does mean you have to trim precisely and 
sew the same if you want you pieces to match up.  
Using such high contrast as navy and white I certainly want my squares to match up!

I have a few things that I think will be essential for all of us to be successful with making this quilt.

The number one thing on the list of MUST haves is a Bloc Loc ruler.  
You will need to determine the size of the HST unit you want to use
 and purchase the closest size of ruler.  
Now you can always go to the bigger sizes, but remember you will have a LOT of HST to trim if you are making a queen size quilt like me!  
I find my precision is better when I use rulers closest to the size square I am trimming.  
I took out my 2.5" Bloc Loc ruler for my trimming.  
The amazing thing about these rulers is that the center if the ruler (on the underside) has a groove that LOCKS into your seam on your HST.  
Don't you just hate it when you are trimming and your ruler slips?
  This stops that from happening. 
 I LOVE my Bloc Loc rulers!  
You can find these rulers on their website here.  

The reason I am mentioning these things now is that Christmas is coming up and
 these rulers are a little bit spendy, but oh so worth it!  
I got Set#1 for Christmas a few years ago and have never regretted it!

Next up is the Clearly Perfect.  
Can you say amazing?  
I will not sew HST without it 
(unless they are gigantic and won't fit on the CP, of course). 
 The instructions tell you how to fit it to your machine 
(don't worry it is super easy).

Once you have it all set you can sew really nice HST using this.  
You put your squares together and set them up like in this photo. 
 The bottom "point" of the squares should line up with the far left line.  
You just keep that point on the line and sew. 
 Then flip the unit around and do it again.  
You cut them apart (point to point) and voila you have 2 HST!! 

 It takes a little bit of practice but once you get the hang of it 
you will wonder how you ever did them any other way.  
The good news is that we are trimming all the HST 
so close to perfect is fine for using this if you are unsure.  
Another tool to add to your Christmas wish list!

The next thing is a rotating cutting mat.  
When we will have so many HST units to trim this is essential!  
Joann's has them and you can use your coupon.

Lastly, another good tool is the 28mm Olfa rotary cutter. 
 You can see mine in the upper left hand corner of the photo above. 
 This blade size is wonderful for trimming small units.  
These are available at JAF as well so watch for these and maybe they will be on Black Friday sale!

You may want to invest in some additional blades too, as you will be trimming LOADS of HST!

So that is it for me for now. 
 I will try to have a WIPs with friends on Wednesday but 
I suspect my WIP will be getting ready for Thanksgiving!!  

How about you?  How was your weekend?

  Are you going to play along with me in this QAL?  
Think about the fabrics you want to use and get out there and get some of these great tools!
(or ask Santa to bring them for you)
Don't forget that if you post anything about the QAL to use our hashtag



  1. I did order one Bloc Loc. I already knew what size I was going to use no matter what size you decide on. Anyway, I have no problem paying a price for a product...but the shipping was out of line. I know. It was my choice to pay it or not, but still.

  2. I am excited for the QAL. Lucky for me that I have all the tools except for the Bloc Loc. I like the concept tho' so ordered one.

  3. I have a quarter inch foot with a guide. I fold and iron my square diagonally and then let the guide go down the folded edge to sew 1/4 inch from the center. Works like a charm.

  4. I got a set of 3 bloc_loc rulers last year during a black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. Love them. I may need the rotating mat. Have been eyeing that lately.


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