
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

WIPs With Friends

I can't say that I have anything new to share with you all, LOL. 
 The one thing that I would say I am currently working on 
(besides the Hallowedding quilt) 
is getting things ready for the QAL coming in the new year.  

I have made a blog button for it and put it on my side bar.  

Ocean Waves QAL

You can grab the html from the side bar and put this button on your blog if you are joining me.

I would appreciate everyone spreading the word too.  I hope we get a lot of people playing along.

My goal over Thanksgiving is to make 2 entire blocks.
One where the block finishes at 12" and one where it finishes at 16"
That is a LOT of HST!

OK, your turn.
What are you working on??


Now it's your turn to link up your finishes here. 
 Remember that if you do post in the link up here
 you should post a link back to this post on your own blog too.

So now it's your turn to share what you are working on.  
Please use the linky to link up and share that you linked up to WIPs With Friends on your blog too.  If using Instagram please use the hashtag
We can't wait to see what you are working on!
Use the blue Inllinkz button to link up and spread the word by linking back to this post!


  1. Have a great Thanksgiving !!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! XO

  3. I just found your linky party and added it to the list on my blog. I'll be back to link up on Wednesdays when I have a post to share. Thank you for hosting! I host Finished or Not Friday on my blog, and you're welcome to link up there, too.

  4. I thnk this would be a great QAL - and it would be great as a leader ender project! Thanks for offering it!! I like it!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~