
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Quilting Bees

I still don't have my sojo back but I did manage to get started on my bee blocks for November. 
 I cut them out and fused them now I need to stitch around them then out in the mail!

I love the big one.  
It reminds me of looking at the moon or Jupiter.  
It should be an interesting quilt when she gets all the blocks put together.

Are any of you in virtual bees? 
 What do you like about them?  
I like that I can make a few blocks each month.  
I also like that sometimes, I get to try things I might not otherwise have tried. 
The best part is that all the quilts go to someone that needs them. 
 It is a pretty simple way to give back and really does not take a huge amount of time.  
A bonus is that you get to use up some of your stash! 
I can always use some help with that!

I should have a post talking about the QAL quilt that I want to make.
I may be making mine as a Leader Ender project too.

Are you all familiar with the Leader Ender concept?
Bonnie Hunter wrote a whole book about this.
She explains it all right here.

So check out the post tomorrow for info on the QAL quilt I want to make.
Maybe you would like to make one with me!


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