
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

WIPs With Friends

Well I have done exactly nothing since making the scary eyes.  
I have, however, been collecting navy blue fabrics for an upcoming quilt. 
 I am on Instagram and under the #getyourquiltywishesgranted2 I asked for navy fabrics. 
 Think Neptune dark navy. 
 Like this.

The happy mail came pouring in!

I could not be more thrilled!  I am thinking about doing this quilt as a QAL in the new year. 
 That's all I am going to say for the moment. 
 My inspiration quilt lives in Texas and I am waiting for permission to share the photo of it.  
Once I have that I will tell you all about it. 
 Is anyone out there interested in a QAL starting in the new year?  
There are so many ways this quilt could be done.  As a two color quilt, or scrappy, or themed.  
The possibilities are only limited by what you can think up!  
Please leave me a comment and let me know if it is even worth my time to make it a QAL.  
Tutorials are a lot of work and if there is no interest I will just make my quilt and post progress.


Now it's your turn to link up your finishes here. 
 Remember that if you do post in the link up here
 you should post a link back to this post on your own blog too.

So now it's your turn to share what you are working on.  
Please use the linky to link up and share that you linked up to WIPs With Friends on your blog too.  If using Instagram please use the hashtag
We can't wait to see what you are working on!
Use the blue Inllinkz button to link up and spread the word by linking back to this post!


  1. Pretties! can't wait to see what the inspiration quilt looks like!

  2. I too would be interested...once I see the quilt. I much prefer QAL's to Mystery quilts! Thanks for considering doing this.

  3. I might be interested in this quiltalong. Looking forward to seeing the inspriation! What is #getyourquiltywishesgranted2

  4. Pretty fabrics ♥

  5. I have been following your acquisitions on Instagram.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~