
Friday, February 10, 2017

Ocean Waves QAL Check in

I thought I would see where everyone is at this point.  
I must admit that I just finished all my cutting this past weekend 
and have not had much time to sew this week. 
Here are the Neptune squares I will be adding to my quilt in various permutations.

All stacked up and waiting for their background fabrics.

I feel like I cut and cut and cut some more of all this white!  
I used most of my Lizzy House Pearl Bracelets up!  

Autumn seemed to like the Pearl Bracelets as much as me!

I pay her in water!  LOL

Now it's time for you all to share what your progress is so we may all be encouraged.  
Click the blue Inlinkz button to add your post.  
Don't forget to use #OceanWavesQAL on social media.

Happy Stitching!



  1. Your table looks great and your helper is adorable.

    Have a fun weekend.

  2. Love your fabrics! I wish the Linky stayed open a bit longer. I missed posting pictures last time and I'm going to miss it again this time. Making progress tho'!

  3. I am still cutting when I am up to it. But I have started putting a few pieces together.

  4. oh my goodness! i love that range. I used it in a quilt once, and gave it away.... i wonder if i have a photo. xo


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~