
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Chubby Chicks Pillow Cover

I mentioned previously that I wanted to use the 2 chubby chicks to make a pillow cover. 
 I got the top of the pillow cover quilted and trimmed up this past weekend.

My helper made it so much more difficult to do the quilting part!

I trimmed off the vintage sheet from the quilt back and was able to have enough of it 
to use for the back of the pillow cover.  
It will match the backing for the Chubby Chicks quilt which makes me happy!

I have more to share of what I worked on this weekend but am saving it for the 
WIPs With Friends post tomorrow.  



  1. Well I don't imagine this will make you day exactly but I do LOVE your chubby chicks. Think I have to try and make one or two. I enjoy your blog so much even if I don't always comment.

  2. Patti, since you are a no reply blogger, I will reply here. I am so happy you come and read my blog! That really DOES make my day. I hope you try some of the chicks too. The little pillow cover really didn't take me very long even with the quilting!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~