
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

WIPs With Friends

Ever have weak moment when you agree to do something and then regret it?  
Well that was me recently.  
A woman at my church asked me if I would put a quilt kit top together for her.  
You see she is soooooo busy and just doesn't have the time.  
She wanted to donate it to the church to raffle to raise money to 
support the young man from our parish in the seminary.  
Apparently they have no income other than what gets donated to the fund to provide for them. 
 So, dang it, that is a good cause.  
Give it to me and I will try my best to get to it.  
This past Sunday she remembered the kit and now I have it.  T
hankfully it is not too big and I am really hoping that I can get it put together by Saturday night 
so I can give it back to her on Sunday.  
My fear is that if I manage to do that it may encourage her to give me more.  
Honestly, it has not been difficult and is small.  
The cutting was tedious but it is going together quickly.  
I just don't need more of someone else's work to do.  Not sure how I am going to say that nicely.  
She did say to me that since I didn't work it would be easier for me to do it.  
Say what???  
I told her I work...full time.  So maybe that will help.

The pattern calls for many pieces and they are all labeled, 
hence the little blue tags you can see on my pile.  

Got these sewn together on Monday night.  

Last night I sewed the upper and lower border blocks and laid it out on my design wall,
aka the hallway!

There is a border that goes between the center and the top and bottom pieced borders too.

This is the pattern so you can see what it is going to look like when it's finished.

I have sewing the binding on my mermaid quilt as a February goal.  
I did get it all sewn on to the quilt and now am working on the hand sewing part. 
 That is my least favorite part.  
It hurts my left hand and shoulder to do it.  
It is easier when I glue the binding down and then I don't have to hold it as I do the hand stitching.  That seems to help. 
 I LOVE that the binding is metallic!  

The sister mermaids are gold and silver.  I had to add faces too.  I just drew them on.

I have the binding about 3/4 hand stitched down. 
 I am pretty excited to gift this one. 
 I have the exact same fabric on the back only it is minky. 
 It is so soft.  

These are the things I have been working on.  I will link up with Sew Fresh Quilts.

What are you working on?  
Please use the blue linky button to share your projects!



  1. I guess I am not as giving with my time but I would have turned her down. She had the quilt kit, she had offered to give it - she should have done it herself and not asked someone else to do it for her. I do not know if you work outside the home or not but if you don't that doesn't mean you have the time

  2. I had to learn to say no. I always would say yes, then regret it. Now I only say yes when I have the time and don’t feel pressured.

  3. Hey Gail, since you are a no-reply blogger I have to answer you here. Make no mistake I certainly could say no, but since I try to do a few charity quilts I decided to do it. I'm usually not happy when I say yes, but that doesn't mean I should not say yes, if that makes any sense at all, LOL.

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    You can make quilts of your own choice for charity.. Accepting her request seems to encourage more selfishness... and did she credit you as the maker????

  5. another bit on your halo BUT I am glad you told her you work FT!! When you give it back tell her again!! It is looking good...
    Work on "saying no!" !!!

  6. 'Saying yes when I really want to say no', I think most women encounter that. I walk away feeling 'blitzed' as in a football term of hit and dazed. I've been suckered many a time into baking a cheese cake to sewing costumes, and hard to tell what else. Then I discovered the phrase, "let me check my schedule and get back with you on that." That gave me time to think and make a choice, instead of blurting out a yes. It helps to give yourself space to see where you are before adding 'one more' to your long list.
    Like you, I want to help if possible. But sometimes saying 'no' is the best answer for you. I also found that when you say no...they move to other sources. A means to an end. I realized then, it wasn't personal.

  7. Thanks Dots! Good advice!

  8. you already know what i'm gonna say, so i won't ...... i'm just gonna add that THIS is how you can end up with five people camped out in your family room and no exit strategy - ha ha ha!!!

  9. You’re a sweetheart! I’m sure she’ll be pleased, and so will the young man who will get the funds raised from your efforts. I’m not the first to say this, but it’s okay to say, “not this time.” if she asks you again.

  10. You are kinder than I am. I would have said no.


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