
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Remembering Autumn

Today marks one year since we lost our beloved Autumn kitty.  
We went from 5 cats down to 1 in a matter of a couple of years.  
We got Autumn and her sister (Aiden) and brother (Mosen) at the same time.  
She was 16 years old. 
 I miss that crazy little girl every day as does her calico sister (in spirit), Hallie.  
The 2 calicos used to play together all the time. 
 Autumn is in the background, Hal in the foreground.

She loved hanging out with her brother, Mosen the most. 
 She missed him when he crossed to the rainbow bridge.

She loved to eat the leaves on my flowers

Always helpful when I was on my computer

 Never left a bag un sat in

Her favorite place to be was in my sewing room with me.  She would curl up in my scrap bin.

Or "help" me sew.  

These were some of my favorite times with her.

I made her her own rag quilt so she had a place to lay and watch me sew.

We loved each other fiercely. 
 She slept like this with me every, single night, or curled into my chest.

These are the last 2 photos I took of her.  She had gotten so thin.  

She was a beauty and I miss her every day.  

I hope she will be waiting for me on the Rainbow Bridge 
with her siblings and Jack and Rimshot, Freeway, and Princess.  
I can't say goodbye just see you later sweet pea.

Love mom.  



  1. Awww, so sorry. I have 4 cats right now and none less than 8 yrs oid. Hattie Cat is 14, I am preparing myself to lose her but it will be hard. Take care, your kitties are safe in heaven and you will be too!!

  2. so sorry! We really miss our animals when they go,
    We just inherited my son's two cats.... and are trying to help them adjust to our house and us. Hard on all of us...

  3. I miss my cat. I had him for 15 years. He died in my arms. I have lost a lot of cats over the years. I'm never ready. I always miss them. It is always hard for me. A lot of history there.
    So sorry . Your cat was very pretty. Such a good companion to you,too.

  4. I've never had a cat but I would have loved one like Autumn - great photo's to remember her by.

  5. a piece of your heart- well remembered. I know how hard but those memories are the salve for the ache

  6. So dad to hear of your loss. Our fur babies live in our hearts forever. Hugs!

  7. Thanks for sharing the pictures and story of your beautiful cats. You took good care of them. I bet the one that is left has gotten very much more friendly to you since it misses its pals so much.

  8. Oh, I have tears in my eyes. I know first hand that special connection.


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