
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ocean Waves

I know you all may think I have forgotten about my Ocean Waves Quilt Along but I have NOT. 
 I have been steadily working towards getting all my blocks finished. 
It takes forever just to prep all the HSTs that go into each and every block!

I sewed up three blocks worth of HSTs over the weekend.  
I got one block's worth pressed. 
 Last night I pressed one more set of HSTs and then trimmed 2 blocks worth.  
The pressing and trimming took me an hour. 
 I still have one more set to press and trim!  That's just to be ready to sew. 
 I have had a goal of sewing one OW block per month and so far I have kept to that.  
I have 19/36 completed.

Here is what one blocks worth of HSTs looks like after trimming.

And this is the second block.

All I have to say is THANK GOODNESS for my Bloc Loc ruler!!!  
I would be completely insane without it!!!  
These HSTs are all trimmed to 2.5". 
 If you need a Bloc Loc ruler to make your life easier please go here and buy one!  

Another MUST have is the Clearly Perfect.  
You no longer need to draw lines on your squares.  
Just follow the line and sew!  
Do you have any idea what a time saver this is??? 
 Imagine that I have 24 HST in each quarter of my block.  
That's 96 HST per block and there are 36 blocks, so 3456 HST!!!  
If I had to draw lines on all of those I would be driving further down the road to crazy.  
If you need your own Clearly Perfect
go visit my friend, Cori's shop (Crazy Quilt Girl Fabric Shop) and pick one up.  
You can get the Bloc Loc and the Clearly Perfect at the same time and save on shipping too.  

I will have a finish to share with you all tomorrow too.

What are some of your favorite "must have" notions?



  1. That’s a lot of HSTS. Going to be beautiful when done.

  2. I was looking at my 2.5 inch square the other day and wondering why I bought it. Now I remember! Haven't made a SINGLE half square triangle and have even earmarked the fabric I planned to use for Ocean Waves for another project that I haven't made!

    I have a flying geese bloc loc and greatest tool every made!!!!! It is flat out genius!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~