
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WIPs With Friends

I have been working diligently on finishing some older projects.  
I hauled out the HSTs and did some sewing so now need to do some more trimming.  
Can't make more blocks without more HST units.
I have 19/36 blocks made for this quilt.  
I've been striving to make one each month.  I think I need to make 2 each month.

I met a friend for lunch last week and she gave me this crocheted Jack the cat.  The cats love him.

 I am almost finished with the binding on the basket quilt.  I can't wait to be finished and to show it.

So, really that's all I have been up to.  I finished the binding on the green quilt which I need to photograph too.

I am linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts.

Now it is your turn to link up here.


1 comment:

  1. i lurve the plaid binding! and your ocean waves are 53% done, which is pretty doggone cool...


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