
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Update On Cole

I want to do a quick post on Cole.  I have given him his injections now for 9 days.  We have 84 days total to do.  He is such a trooper about getting his shots!  After each shot he "angry eats".  He is eating better and acting more like himself, if not even MORE loving than before.  As you can see in this photo he is still quite thin.

He is much more alert and himself for sure.  You can see his shaved belly here.  The vets had to shave his belly and some neck fur for all the diagnostic work.  I love this photo of him!

This doesn't look like much but he has NEVER laid on my lap.  At home he would lay next to me and roll on to his back to have me pet his belly.  Last night he climbed into my lap for his pets!

 So we are continuing our daily shots.  
He is eating better and gaining weight.  
He ate half a can of wet food this morning!  

We are continuing his Go Fund Me campaign.  The link to donate is located here

 The meds are $90/vial and we need a minimum of 30 vials for his treatment!!! ($2700) 

Plus the diagnostic expenses, and you can see those on the Go Fund Me page.  I have some money put aside to pay for some of it but we are so grateful for all of the donations we have received so far.  If you can donate we would be so grateful!  Please keep us in your prayers too!



  1. He looks very alert and super cute. He’d gain more weight as the treatments continue.

  2. so glad to hear your positive news about Cole!!


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