
Thursday, October 01, 2020

Waterfalls In The Nantahala Forest

 On Tuesday we headed out to the Nantahala forest in search of waterfalls.  There is a road that has several that you are supposed to be able to see from the road.  Well you can see quite a few but there was not always a place to stop and actually view them.  The road was quite twisty and steep with no shoulder to speak of.  We were able to get out and get pics of 3 of them so I will share those now.

The first one was the most trecherous to get to but we climbed down the rocks and I was able to snap a few pics.  I think it was the Cullasaja falls.  These were the mountains we were in.  Of course it was raining, seems to be the way it is every time we go looking for waterfalls, LOL.

        It was pretty but nothing compared to what was to come!

Then we headed UP to the top of the mountain to the Dry Falls.
They were anything except dry!
What a powerful waterfall!!!

You can see Chris on the path and use that to gauge how large these falls were

This was from under the falls.

This is from the other side of the falls

This video shows how amazing these falls were in person.

Then we went to the Bridal Veil Falls.  These were directly on the road so very easy to get to.

Chris had seen this rope bridge on the way to the falls so we stopped on the way out of the forest.
I had never walked on this kind of bridge but it was a little scary!

We have been trying to find socially distant things to do.
Our daughter has requested we self isolate.
Hiking waterfalls in the rain seemed to fit the bill!


1 comment:

  1. gorgeous!! Self-isolating?? At least you have some places to go and are not stuck at home!! How much longer till your grandbaby arrives??


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