
Friday, October 02, 2020

Airing Of The Quilts

 While I have not been participating with the quilt retreat, we did put some quilts outside for the "Airing of the Quilts".  All the quilters put their quilts outside and everyone walked around looking at the quilts and taking pictures.  Another GREAT socially distant activity so yay for me!  Here is just a small sample of some of the quilts.

I'll start with my quilts.  Chris helped me put up the quilts I have in our camper.  The blue one was a quilt I did a pattern test on. The Spartan quilt was designed by me and I love that the quilting has Spartan helmets and has words that say Sparty On.  The one draped over the hood of the truck is a Moda Bake Shop pattern using Dream On fabric.  The one on my right was the fishing quilt I made for Chris for Christmas one year.  The quilt directly in front of me has a years worth of my days recorded on it.  For 365 days I wrote every day on a block, then put them all together into a quilt.  Not a significant year, but it is a journal of my life from that year.  The bear face is a kit I had and decided to make for a little someone soon to arrive but shhhhh, it's a secret!

I don't know all the makers, but enjoy.
This one was a really cool woolie bed runner. 

Aren't these camper quilts adorable?
Plus look at that super cool Halloween bucket!

It was a really fun day, time getting ready for the airing of the quilts.  I did cut out a quilt top this day.

I will show you more about my set up and what I am working on soon.



  1. Well, that's strange, I just made a comment but clicked to preview it and it vanished!?
    I had commented on your 365 day quilt and how I would love to do one myself. Don't you wish you had one for this crazy year 2020? Who could have known?
    I have two touching years to choose from. My 50th High School Reunion in 2021 or my 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2023? Hmmm?? Any thoughts??

  2. Thanks for the show. Great way to go to a quilt show in the open, love it. Beautiful quilts on display.

  3. What a great way for people to show off their quilts and still be apart!! If you decide to make another bear quilt I know someone (Stella) who is arriving in January!! hint...


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~