
Friday, November 27, 2020

Cole Update

 Since we just passed Thanksgiving I have been thinking of things I am thankful for. 
 Of course family and friends are on the top of this list.  
Cats count as family, right? 
 So today I am thankful for my cats. 
 I am especially thankful to everyone that helped me to save Cole's life.  
We have 16 days of shots to go. 
We took Cole to the vet for his blood work last Friday and it is perfect!  
His immune system is making mature immune cells and his heart murmur is stable for the moment. 
 He gained almost a whole pound in the last month too. 
 He will move into observation of 84 more days and monthly blood work on December 13 if his blood work is just as good on the 18th of December when we go back to the vet.  
We have reached our fundraising goals but I am leaving the fundraiser open. 
 I will close it once we are sure he hasn't relapsed (God willing that doesn't happen).
 If anyone would like to contribute to the ongoing vet bills that would be appreciated as well.  
I thought I would share a few of my recent happy photos of the boys for you to enjoy.  
Thanks again and please keep us in your prayers!

I was trying to press some blocks and he was helping me.  Look at his fangs, LOL.

I packaged up the Christmas bear top and backing. 
 I sent it off to my quilter to work on so perhaps I can get it back when I return home. 
 I'm a little nervous that I will have at least 3 quilts to bind for Christmas presents.  

Probably one of my favorite photos is of Cole meeting Avery at the camper.

We were trying to play Scrabble recently and the boys were "helping".

The boys were having a lazy day recently too.
They love this quilt!

Oh and I am very thankful for this guy.

What did you celebrate being thankful for?



  1. wow,beautiful cat and baby.great job.thanks for the share
    clipping path

  2. Cats are definitely family. Glad Cold is doing better.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~