
Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Haw River and Graffiti Bridge

 Recently we went for a walk along the Haw river in NC.  
I thought the scenery was so beautiful!

There were several large rock structures in the river and this one reminded me of a gator.

This on reminded me of a frog

I love that you can see the falls in the background of this photo.

We found this amazing graffiti bridge in Bynum. 
 I thought I was pretty clever making Chris stand near this one.

I didn't get a photo but the entire bridge was COVERED in graffiti. 
 One over the top of the other. 
 Except this one was left untouched. 
 I thought that was really cool.  
It felt like the artists respected it enough to leave it alone. 
 At least that's how I chose to see it.

The rest of the pics were just art that I liked.

It was an interesting place to visit. 
 The beauty of the river and the area contrasting with the graffiti, art on the bridge.  


1 comment:

  1. Friends of mine got married there too this summer or at least took pictures


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