
Friday, July 02, 2021

Another Blog?

 Hi Friends!  
I am venturing out of my comfort zone and have enrolled in a pattern designing workshop. 
 I am very excited but super nervous about all the new learning I will be doing. 
 I have not watched the first module yet and another one will be launching on Monday.  
We just returned from camping and I did not have my computer with me.

I have 3 patterns for other people to test also. 
 Those need to be done in the next 6 weeks. 
 Everything is happening at the same time!! 
 Plus it is summer so we are busy with doing house and yard work and visiting friends.  
I'm worried I won't be able to do all the things and sleep, HAHA.

Anyway, I have changed my name on Instagram and on Facebook to Sew Purrfect Designs.  
I will be setting up a new blog with this same title.
  You can access it now but there is literally nothing there yet. 
 Again, one more thing I need to work on, but I didn't want the name to be taken so I nabbed it and will work on making it happen later. 
 I will try to keep posting family things here and quilty content over there. 
 I'm pretty sure the cats will be on both!
For now, until I can get that other blog up and running, I will continue to post quilty content here. 
 Like these blocks I have made for a baby quilt.
Pattern is Nightingale.

Let me know what you think of the new name!


  1. I like the new name.

  2. I love the new name!! You'll be fine and who needs sleep?

  3. I voted for the new name on Instagram, so of course I like it. ;) Looking forward to your new blog. I've changed blogs several times in the last 14 years, so I get it. I like the baby blocks.

  4. I think the new name Mama Spark is so sparky and catchy. Beautiful colour combination in your baby quilt. Good Luck


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~