
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Pattern Testing

 I had the opportunity to test another pattern for Meags and Me. 
 The soon to be released pattern is called Heart Mania. 
 I chose pinks and golds for the color pallette. 
 It was a super easy pattern to work with. 
 I got everything all cut out and then worked on fusing the hearts. 
 I stitched around the hearts and traced the stitching lines for the hand stitched hearts. 
 Then I put it all together.

I used a lot of my favorite fabrics in this quilt. 
 I especially love the Tiger Lily cats by Heather Ross.

I'm taking a pattern writing course.
I am learning how to use a vector graphic program, which is hard!
It's hard to teach an old dog a new trick, but I am trying.

More soon.



  1. you DO manage to keep yourself busy!!! Love those little kitties!! Either Tigger or Jack left Bob a present ... a dead little gray mouse the other morning.

  2. Beautiful colors. Lovely quilt! 🌻

  3. What a cute and funky quilt. Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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