
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Avery Meets His Lincoln Family

 Our daughter, SIL and grandson were here over the weekend!  
They rented an Airbnb for the weekend before they headed to a friend's cabin up north for the week.  We threw a big outdoor bash for Chris's family to come and meet Avery. 
 Since he lives in NC none of our family (except my kids) had been able to meet him. 
 We have a local park within our subdivision so I reserved it for the day. 
 There were things for the kids to play on and a pavilion to set out food.
  We brought tables, chairs and another few tents. 
 I went with just buying most of the food (Lee's Chicken and Pot Belly subs) for most of the food.  
It made things MUCH easier. 
 Two of my friends came and helped set up as did my oldest daughter. 
 We had so much fun introducing the baby to his family!  
So happy this was able to happen and we had a beautiful day.


Avery with his Aunt Shelby

Big boy pulling himself up!

Uncle Eric

Uncle Thadd and my friend Ellen

My best friend, Holly came to meet Avery too!

More cousins

My daughter with her cousin, Ashley and her kids.  
Cousins meeting cousins!  

We got to spend some time with the baby before the party too. 
 I have a few pics of Avery with his papa and Gigi.

They will be back here on Friday and fly home on Saturday.
In the mean time we are dog sitting our new grand dog, Pepper.
She is a year old lab and quite the handful!

So that's what I have been up to lately!
I finished the Prissy Pumpkins top and took a break.
Next up is a pattern test for Meags and Me.
I got it all cut out.
Hope to do some sewing later today.



  1. it looks like a great get together!! So nice when family can physically update!! Avery sure has "grown" since your last pictures!!

  2. Great to get together with family and friends. The picture of Avery and the side eye look is priceless. Such a cutie 😊

  3. Loved all the pictures. Family is the best, isn't it?

  4. He is such a cutie. Good memories for your family!


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