
Thursday, August 19, 2021

New Family Member

 Our son lost his dog recently.
  Abbey came to our home when she was about a year old. 
 She was a Golden Retreiver.  
As it turns out she was actually born on the same day as our son!
 For those 2 it was love at first sight.  
That dog thought the sun rose and set with Thadd.  
When Thadd bought his house he took her with him.  
Later he added a cat, Craig.  
Craig and Abbey (now named Sargent Pepper) became best friends too. 
 Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. 
 Thadd came home from work, like he often did to check on the pets at lunchtime
 then went back to work.  
When he came home he found that she had passed away.  
To say he was devistated would be an understatement.  
I received a phone call and all I heard was sobbing.  
That sent this mama into a complete panic.
  *Finally* he managed to choke out "she's gone". 
 I knew immediately that he meant the dog.  

It's funny, I have 2 girls and one boy and my boy has always been the most sensitive one.
  You would NEVER know it to look at him but he was always the one to cry at sad movies with me, that got his feelings hurt but covered it up with male bravado and would corner me at my sewing table and talk my ears OFF! 
 You can't take away the hurt of losing a pet.  
Honestly, it's the worst part. 
 He was especially upset thinking that she died alone. 
 I reminded him that Craig was there and he was likely right by her when she passed.

So within a week he was looking for a new dog. 
 He wanted a rescue.  
He wanted a dog over a year old. 
 He sent me dog after dog.  
I found one but the lady was dragging her feet and he was in a rush.  
There was a HUGE hole to fill you know.  
The last 4 dogs he sent me had one that I thought might be "the one".  
She was a black lab mix, 1 year old female named Pepper. 
 Now if that is not fate talking to you I don't know what is!
  So he went to meet her and she really was the one.  
Pepper joined the family.  
Craig is still trying to get used to her. 
 We forgot what having a "puppy" was like so when we had to watch her 
we had to puppy proof EVERYTHING!  
It was CRAZY.  

So I would like to introduce you to Miss Pepper.

Oh Pepper, you have some mighty big shoes to fill.  
He loved Sargent Pepper fiercely!  
Welcome to the family!



  1. I am so sorry for your son's loss, it's the price we pay for loving so fiercely. Your son cannot help but feel badly because the hope is that, if he had been there, he could have saved her or comforted her.
    Years ago some friends of mine were in their back yard with their lab when she suddenly collapsed. They rushed to her but she was gone.
    Very shocking and sad for everyone but it made me see how we can pile guilt on ourselves. If they had arrived home to find her deceased, they would have been convinced that, had they been home, they could have saved her, and they would have worried that she had suffered. In this case, neither was true but not knowing lets doubt trouble us.

  2. Oh I hope your son adjusts to her quickly! She looks just adorable. Was Sgt Pepper ill or elderly?

  3. So sorry for Thadd's lose! It is a tough thing to go through, but adding a new puppy helps to divert the pain and fill the gap. Hope they enjoy each other and have fun!

  4. So hard to lose a pet! They are truly one of the family❤️

  5. Loosing a pet whether expected or not is a big wrench... leaving a big hole in your heart. I am glad that Thadd has found Pepper !!


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