
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Flannel Doll Quilt

 I wanted to make a doll quilt for a gift for a special little girl that is upcoming. 
 I thought I might use that elephant quilt I did recently but it really is too big for a doll quilt. 
 So back to the drawing board. 
 I seem to make a lot of crib sheets and burp cloths out of flannel. 
 I have been cutting the leftovers from all my flannel projects into usable squares. 
 I cut 6", 5", 3" and 2.5" squares.  
For this doll quilt I decided to pull from this stash. 
 I mostly have 5" squares but thought those might be too big for what I wanted to do. 
 I started off with the 2.5" squares I had 
then cut from the larger squares I had to make up the difference. 
 It was not quite big enough for me so I added a flannel border (also from scraps). 
 I pick up remnant pieces of minky/fleece when I find them 
so had a nice yellow piece to use for the back. 
 I put batting scraps together for the inside too.
  Then I quilted it in the ditch. 
 I had some leftover satin binding so used that up for the binding. 
 WIN-WIN for this cutie!

I think it turned out perfectly for a little doll quilt! 
 Now I want to use some of those 5" squares to make a few baby quilts.  
I have so many other things already begun so I am going to try to refrain.  

Do you find it hard not to get sidetracked when you are working on something too? 
 It's.  So.  Hard!



  1. That is a pretty little quilt. I can see how it makes it tempting to make more in different sizes. I am tempted to make about 13 new quilts a day, but tend to take about a year to finish a quilt (because a lot of them need time to marinate).

  2. So cute. A neighbour has a little girl and I’m sure she has a doll so thanks for posting this. I will be making one. Thanks Pam 🤗🤗


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